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Empower Students to Improve Communities

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English courses challenge all students to achieve their potential in the language arts.  A unified, coherent program promotes the development of the analytical skills necessary for a mature understanding of literature.  Additionally, the sequential writing program each year builds upon skills taught in previous years.  The other strands of communication—speaking, listening, presenting, and the understanding of media—are also integral to the program.  Although teachers employ a variety of teaching styles, the department demands excellence at all levels, and its ultimate goal is to provide a student with the skills necessary to succeed in a challenging collegiate environment after graduation. 

The English Language Arts curriculum reflects the learning standards of the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for English Language Arts & Literacy, incorporating the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. In addition, English courses coordinate with the content study in Humanities, by incorporating literature and cultural study in alignment with 21st Century Learning Skills and global and cultural awareness.   


Carolyn Crimmins

English Teacher
Jason Kelliher

Jason Kelliher

English Teacher

Jason McCabe

English Teacher
Karen McInnis

Karen McInnis

English Teacher
Eileen Norton

Eileen Norton

English Teacher

Vincent Palmieri

English Teacher

Nicholas Sullivan

English Teacher