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Life Threatening Allergies, EpiPens, and Asthma Information

Life Threatening Allergies

If your child has a life threatening allergy and requires an epinephrine pen (EpiPen) at school, you will need to bring the following into the Health office before your child starts school:

  • a Food Allergy Action Plan (FAAN) completed by your physician. A copy of one here:
  • two EpiPens (2 pens, just 1 box) to school to be kept in the Health Office
  • two wallet-sized photos of your child; one for the food allergy action plan and one for the EpiPen box.
  • the following completed form:

EpiPens will be kept in the Health Office in the event they are needed.


If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma and requires medication, you will need to bring the following into the Health office before your child starts school:

  • an inhaler, preferably with a spacer
  • an Asthma Action Plan completed by your physician. A copy of one here:
  • the following completed form: